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NSFE2020. September 23-25, 2020. Online 
In face of the uncertain situation in Europe and the ongoing travel restrictions,the NSFE committee has decided to hold this year NSFE 2020 in a virtual form,giving the safety of our NSFE community the priority. The forum remains hosted by Prof. Kim McKelvey, School of Chemistry at Trinity College Dublin, and by Prof. Brian Rodriguez, School of Physics at University College Dublin, who warmly invite the scientific community to this virtual event!

Fuerzas y Tunel (2018). June 27-29, 2018. Jaca (Spain) 
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Microscience Microscopy Congress 2017. July 03-06, 2017. Manchester (UK) 
Nanotechnologies / SPM

Nanospain2015 SPM. March 10-11, 2015. Bilbao (Spain)  
Nanotechnologies / SPM

18th International Microscopy Congress. September 7-12, 2014. Prague (Czech Republic) 
Nanotechnologies / SPM

SPM DIPC Week - A Tribute to Heinrich Rohrer. September 05-12, 2014. San Sebastian (Spain) 
Nanotechnologies / SPM

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