* Óptica computacional y control digital de haces de luz. Aplicaciones en imagen a través de medios turbios y en síntesis láser de nanomateriales Coordinator: Jesús Lancis/Enrique Tajahuerce: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
* Digital control of light beams Coordinator: Jesús Lancis: Generalitat Valenciana
* Fabrication of BIOcompatible "green" colloidal NANOparticles by spatial and temporal focusing of femtosecond pulses Coordinator: Gladys Mínguez Vega: Generalitat Valenciana (40000.000 €)
* 'In situ decoration of graphene sheets with gold nanoparticles synthetized by pulsed laser ablation in liquids' R. Torres-Mendieta, D. Ventura-Espinosa, S. Sabater, J. Lancis, G. Mínguez-Vega & J. A. Mata2 - Scientific Reports | 6:30478 (2016)
* 'Fabrication of gold nanoparticles in Therminol VP-1 by laser ablation and fragmentation with fs pulses' R Torres-Mendieta, R Mondragón, E Juliá, O Mendoza-Yero, E Cordoncillo, J Lancis and G Mínguez-Vega - Laser Phys. Lett. 11 126001 (2014)
* 'Synthesis and characterization of gold/water nanofluids suitable for thermal applications produced by femtosecond laser radiation' R. Mondragón, R. Torres-Mendieta, M. Meucci, G. Mínguez-Vega, J. E. Juliá and E. Sani - J. Photon. Energy 6, 034001 (2016)